autumn Wilson


Aug, 2017

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28 Jan, 2023
Really good little toy, very good for hand eye coordination and keeps those little rascals occupied! read more »

Good build

19 Aug, 2022
Feels like a solid build and was able to switch hdmi quickly, would recommend  read more »

Defiantly worth the buy

16 Jun, 2022
I bought this as my partner is a avid pc builder and regularly takes apart his pc to clean it, and the air cans are getting so expensive now! Oh and hard to come by!  He absolutely loves it! I... read more »

Where has this been all my life?

04 Jul, 2021
Imagine a desk, full of wires and plug sockets, all tangled and messy, no order to it...just a mess. Well, that isn't my desk anymore! Now, I have a row of plugs for one thing or another, I have e... read more »

Very well made

02 Aug, 2020
considering the price,, i was absoloutly amazed by the build. it feels very strong, and sturdy. installing it was a breeze and the modes are awsome. I done a huge build yesterday, and desperatly need... read more »

Well worth it

02 Aug, 2020
I bought this as my partner needed a new one aftering the old one broke. to quote he said"its good, it does the job" ... men aye? in general I managed to sqeeze out of him, its smooth, and t... read more »

really handy

18 Feb, 2020
for someone who has really bad memory, I would recommend this, It is very easy to sort it out and use, a must have! read more »


20 Dec, 2019
check the size, this is smaller then a babies muslin! soft though, but not worth the price at all. read more »


16 Dec, 2019
Im a pc gamer and was looking for a decent pair headset, and these are really worth it, I would rate them the same as the expensive ones, if not better  read more »

very good

16 Dec, 2019
i bought some cheap lights, and the broke quite quickly, these on the other hand are really good, nice and bright with plenty of different settings. well worth the money read more »

Very Handy

06 Dec, 2019
If you like to take things apart, and play with them, and they have wierd little screw things, then this is the gadget for you!,I think this is so worth it for what it has! read more »

Cant pass these up!

26 Nov, 2019
Dont get me wrong, they are fiddley and annoying wires, but with time and patience, the results are beautiful! Now my mum wants some! Loads of different settings, my fave is the star setting!  read more »

Awesome little gadget for the sky lovers!

29 Oct, 2019
See, I am all about the sensory of things, the feel etc, and I have to say, this feel so sturdy considering how cheap it is! its very bright also, and I have a star projector and I am SO looking forwa... read more »

Very nice

13 Aug, 2019
I Have had this for some time now, I have to say, it is very sturdy, and feels very comfortable. For the price, it seems genuine, and it glows in the dark rather bright.  read more »


23 Mar, 2019
An amazing toothbrush and well worth the money, after a charge its lasted me ages, and as I have sensitive gums, the soft settings are very useful read more »


23 Nov, 2018
Really good Light, Nice and bright or dim, depending on how you want it. very helpful, only downside is you cant control it by tasker etc, other then that, well worth the money!! read more »


21 Nov, 2018
Nice material. but this isnt, i repeat... ISNT strechy pants, 3 pockets, very usefull and feels snug :) read more »


19 Nov, 2018
I love how bright these are, they feel very sturdy, and are so easy to set up. The only downside is you control them by IFFT or smartlife, you cant use tasker etc. other then that, I love it! and have... read more »


19 Nov, 2018
These are sturdy, handy ;little things, that are very useful, as now my bag doesnt roll around the back seat! read more »

So comfortable!

15 Nov, 2018
I ordered these on the 12th November, they arrived on the 15th. I would like to make one thing clear, I NEVER wear gloves, hats or scarfs, but I was getting fed up with my hands going stiff and num... read more »

Lovely Little Thing

08 Nov, 2018
I ordered this on tuesday, with free delievery. it was supposed to come between sat and mon. It came thursday! a plesant surprise!  it was very well packaged. It came fully charged and I ha... read more »


03 Nov, 2018
Its quite heavy for how small it is, beautifull colours slowly graduating into each one. I have had it on for the past hour and hasnt heated up at all.  I have sever allegys to my pets, but si... read more »

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