Science fun

Verified Post by Patricia DenHartog
Published on 18 May, 2021

UTTORA Outdoor Explorer Kit, Kids Binoculars Set with Compass, Magnifying Glass, Butterfly Net for 8+ Old Boys and Girls, Kids Telescope Adventure Kit Children Outdoor Educational Kit (22PCS)
Price: $23.99
My Rating
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4.86 / 5   (154 Reviews)

My grandson has a blast catching bugs, worms all those critters outside. We did a science project video for online 3rd gtade using this set. The set is durable and has a nice tote to keep the set all together when not in use. grab a set and catch some critters worms, bugs, lizard s to look at and learn. Kids stay busy for a couple hours outdoors wih this set.

Price: $23.99



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